MAKING THE GRADE Demi Budd, left, is the Class of 2023’s Valedictorian and Sienna Dutcher is the class’s Salutatorian for Livingston Manor Central School’s graduation ceremony this year. Provided photos

Top seniors selected for 2023 graduation

Livingston Manor, NY – Livingston Manor Central School is pleased to announce that students Demi Budd and Sienna Dutcher have been selected as the Class of 2023’s Valedictorian and Salutatorian.

Demi, the daughter of Stacy and David Budd, is the vice president of the National Honor Society, senior class president, a member of the Student Council and Yearbook Club, and a Youth Poetry Ambassador. Maintaining an overall average of nearly 103.92 percent, she is also a founding member of the LMCS Future Farmers of America, and a former social media editor and award-winning reporter for the hamlet’s community newspaper, Manor Ink. Demi has earned Superintendent’s List recognition every quarter since her freshman year, has received the Academic Award Letter Certificate and pin of Continued Outstanding Academic Excellence and has earned the Principal’s Award for Academic Excellence. Her future plans include attending Mt. Holyoke College, where she will dual major in English and Sociology, and will be taking part in a pre-professional course in Law, Public Policy, and Human Rights.

Sienna, daughter of Olga and Daryl Dutcher, has an overall average is a 103.8 percent and is the president of the National Honor Society, senior class vice president, secretary of the Yearbook Club, section leader in the senior band, as well as vice president and founding member of the LMCS Future Farmers of America. Sienna has earned Superintendent’s List recognition every quarter since her freshman year, has merited the Academic Award Letter Certificate and pin of Continued Outstanding Academic Excellence and has also received the Principal’s Award for Academic Excellence. Sienna’s future plans include attending Cornell University where she will major in Environmental, Resource, and Energy Economics.