GETTING THE NEWS Manor Ink reporter Aidan Dusenbury-Dalto conducts an interview for a Manor Ink story. Duncan Hutchison photo
Manor Ink ‘Youth Voices Scholarship’
College grants of $10,000 now available to Inkers
Manor Ink’s student reporters are now eligible for the newly established “Youth Voices Scholarship.” The amount of the award is $10,000 for 2024. The purpose of the scholarship is to encourage graduating student reporters to seek a four-year college education at a selective college or university in any liberal arts and sciences major. As a guideline, a selective college or university is a school with an admission rate of up to 60 percent.
Eligible students will be seniors (or the equivalent for homeschoolers) who have served as reporters for Manor Ink for approximately two or more academic years and will attend a four-year liberal arts college. This scholarship is awarded to students in recognition of their community service as outstanding reporters and/or editors.
The scholarship is an initiative of the Willowemoc Fund at the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan Counties. The Livingston Manor Library, publisher of Manor Ink, will determine the names of eligible students in any given year. If funding is available, scholarships may be renewed for a second year of college.
Application forms will be available from Peggy McGuire, director of the library, either in person at the library, 92 Main Street, or by emailing her at