AND THE WINNER IS … Jennifer Edwards, Christopher Pek-ny’s partner, announces the winner of a 50/50 raffle during the Chris Pekny Memorial Car Show on the steps of the Robin Hood Diner in Livingston Manor. Manor Ink photo
Manor holds 4th Pekny tribute
By Erick Slattery | Manor Ink
Livingston Manor, NY – Though it was a solemn occasion, the mood was festive at the fourth annual Chris Pekny Memorial Car Show on Saturday, Sept. 14. The event, held at the Robin Hood Diner on Old Rte. 17 in the hamlet, was a fundraiser for the Chris Pekny Scholarship fund, a grant given each year to Livingston Manor and Roscoe students who, after graduating, plan to continue their education in a technical field. Over 50 vehicle exhibitors participated.
Chris Pekny was tragically killed in an accident while preparing a gender-reveal prop for his soon-to-be-born son, Chris, in 2021. Jennifer Edwards, Pekny’s partner and the mother of his son, spoke at the event, sharing her love for the deceased in a moving tribute. “Most people who knew him loved his personality,” Edwards said. “A silly giant with a heart of gold. He loved his family, his dogs and his friends. He loved me and our son, and we all loved him beyond words.”
To contribute to the fund, email Jennifer423911@gmail.