ON CAMPUS The college tour can be very helpful in deciding which schools a student will apply to. Spring of junior year is a good time to start college visits. Provided photo
LML presenter offers insider tips on applying to college
By Angie Hund | Manor Ink
Livingston Manor, NY – Navigating the process of college selection, application and financial eligibility can be overwhelming for those who don’t know where to start. For almost every high school student, the idea of beginning the college process can seem intimidating.
Leif Johansen
In August, the Livingston Manor Library held a Zoom discussion about college admissions with University of Rochester Admissions Officer Leif Johansen. He explained the application process through a series of Power Point slides, detailing how to decide which college is the best fit, how to apply and obtain scholarships, and what networking will be needed to get in.
Speaking personally, now that I’m at the point of making a list of my top five schools and applying, I too have felt the panic of “not knowing enough.” Luckily, this course provided information from a knowledgable professional, and here is a summation of Leif Johansen’s best advice.
How do I choose a major?
Even if you’ve decided what you’ll major in, it’s okay to change it as your perspective on education evolves. Applying to an institution that offers a plethora of majors is always a good route to take when you’re unsure. This way, you can go into your freshman year undecided and develop your interests as you go. “In terms of finding your major,” Johansen said, “it’s fine if you’re not sure what you’re interested in. A lot of schools allow you to apply and decide later.”
How do I schedule college visits?
Scheduling visits to your desired schools is accomplished by visiting the college’s website and contacting them through their visiting resources page. Most schools have designated weekends or days for high school students who are interested in attending. For those who’d like remote interviews or tours, Zoom options are often available. Johansen recommends that students get as involved as they can when it comes to touring or interviewing because it shows their interest in the college.
When do I to start touring colleges?
The recommended time to start visiting campuses is the spring of your junior year. Anytime between then and the beginning of your senior year is great for visiting, building your list, and online researching. It’s good to schedule an interview then as well.
Should I apply to non-SUNY schools?
SUNY colleges are extremely popular with Sullivan County students because of their affordability, accessibility, focus on specific majors and in-state benefits. However, there are more private universities in New York than in any other state, creating many amazing options. You should look into taking advantage of those before limiting yourself to SUNY schools exclusively.
It’s okay to not get accepted
If you wind up not getting accepted by your chosen schools, Johansen said do not take rejection personally and understand that it will happen. Even the brightest scholars or folks with the coolest applications won’t get accepted into every college they apply to. That’s why applying to multiple schools is a good hedge against rejection while providing you with more options.